I am so tired of the drivel. I am so fed up with every news show highlighting this as if it were important news. What are these people thinking?!? Once again, I listened to some morons complaining about the new Harry Potter book as well as the previous books. Most of these people have not even
read the books. I have yet to read the new one, but I enjoyed the previous ones.
I can understand why some people would not want their young children going to the movies. At a young age they probably would have given
me nightmares. What I don't understand is why people are getting so uptight about these books! Some of these people that are complaining the most have not read one of the books OR seen the movies. They are convinced of the evil that they contain. Did they not see or read the Wizard of Oz as a child? Were there not good and bad witches in the story? Didn't Dorothy do the wrong thing by running away from home? Was Peter Pan evil because he associated with Tinkerbell who used magic fairly dust? Hansel and Gretel met up with a witch. They pushed her into an oven. Not socially acceptable behavior in this day and age. Aladin had a magic lamp with a genie. Cinderella had a fairy godmother. The bad boys in Pinoccio turned into donkeys. I don't remember any stressed out people concerned about what that would teach their children. Superman was a superhero who did things that we could never do. Hopefully, our parents made sure that we knew people don't really fly, so that we would not try to jump out of the window in a cape. Samantha was a witch and did fine for years on TV without people getting worked up into a feeding frenzy.

Super Mouse! Watch out! He is probably pure evil!
The books are very imaginative, well written, and have clearly defined concepts of right and wrong. There are good wizards and bad wizard, good witches and bad witches, good magic and bad magic. Do these people think the books are meant to be reality? I don't know about you, but I know that this is make believe... and so do most children who are old enough to be reading these books. Just like as children we loved the Peter Pan stories. And these stories make great movies for children who are
mature enough to see them.
I get the point about showing disrespect to parents. But let's be real. Not all parents or foster parents are nice people. Not all children live in "Leave It To Beaver" homes (and by the way, I don't remember that Beaver was always the perfect child!). There is good and bad in the books, just as there is good and bad in this world. The important thing is to teach our children to know the difference... not hide them away and teach them to be fearful of things that are
not real.
If you are a parent who is concerned about the stories, you can (a) read them along with your children and talk about the story (b) not buy the books or go to the movies and explain to your children why you prefer that choice (c) ask your children what they think about the books after they have read them and then discuss them (d) read the books yourself first to determine if they are appropriate for the maturity level of your child (e) numerous other choices
besides trying to ban the books from libraries and schools and push your opinion onto everyone else you can.

Oh no! We are doomed!
I have heard people complain how Harry Potter is the first step to a slippery slope that will lead our children down the path of evil. Imagination is a good thing. The books are fantasy. Fantasy stimulates the imagination. Children are exposed to far more dangerous concepts on the evening news, in newspapers, and many of the warped cartoons that they view. I would be concerned as a parent if that is all my children wanted to read or do. Provide other reading materials and experiences for them, talk to them about what is going on in their minds and lives, show them that you love them, teach them that God loves them and that they are worthy of that love, and you probably will never have to worry about Harry Potter corrupting their young lives.
I could continue with this ranting, but hopefully, I have made some sense. If you don't like Harry Potter you are entitled to your opinion, but so am I. Don't let your children check the book out of the library, but don't tell me that the books should be banned from libraries. To those of you who will still insist on such nonsense, I have this to say to you...