Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fall Back

For those of you impacted by the pesky daylight savings thing each year, don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight. NOT being a morning person, it is always a difficult adjustment for me when we lose an hour. However, falling back means gaining an hour, so to speak, and that makes me a happy camper for a while... until I have to spring ahead. This rodent does no springing when I lose an hours sleep!

So fall back tonight if you are able... in the spring I will lug my weary carcass out of bed an hour earlier and curse whoever came up with the stupid idea. Why do they want to mess with our biorhythms anyway? Sheesh!


Ron Southern said...

I'm fairly certain such a system was created by a man with only one watch and a wife who had none. In this day and age, it takes a LONG FUCKING TIME to change all the clocks, whether they're digital or not, because there are so many clocks in the house and car and so forth. They should NEVER have played with the clocks, the dirty bastards!

Cliff said...

It has it's good points rhodent, I have an extra hour to read what my blog buddies have been up to. Glad to see you're still kickin.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I can't tell any difference. My body doesn't operate with clocks, but its own biorythms.

Frustrated Writer said...

I slept through mine...