Saturday, March 04, 2006

Basking In The Light Of Unpopularity

Evidently my posts of late have been lacking something. My readership has plummeted. I am an insecure individual who needs warm fuzzies and praise. Hmmm. I guess I need to come up with something different. Think, think, think...

As I recall, when I resorted to the subject of toilets, my readership skyrocketed. So I suppose more bathroom humor must be in order. This time I request input from other bloggers....

Most everybody I know has run out of toilet paper at one time or another. I wonder what people do when they run out and are in need of said substance. I keep baby wipes in my bathroom for when little ones visit. That works in a pinch. I also try to keep a box of kleenex handy in the bathroom. They are fairly friendly to septic tanks.

I know someone, who when a poor college student and living in an apartment, resorted to coffee filters when out of toilet paper and funds. I was flabbergasted by that one! College students are known to abscond with rolls of toilet tissue at various restaurants and gas stations when short of funds. Leaves when out in the woods could be used, but I would first make sure that I could identify poison ivy or any other rash-generating vegetation.

So what do you do? What have you or someone you know done in the face this need!


Jim said...

We generally have kleenex someplace in the bathroom.
On the farm in the outhouse we just used Sears catalogs for a long time. I always tried for the softer ones, not the slick pages. Finally got to use TP before we got inside plumbing in 1938.
Also have used corncobs when couldn't make it to the outhouse when out doing work.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I loved your first mousey picture on your is so cute with its little furry paws up like that. Well getting back to TP...I really don't think that Jim used corn cobs to stop up his
b-tt...that's gross. We just never run out of TP, but I guess we could always use paper towels, but we couldn't flush them.

Rachel said...

I always read your posts and they are always interesting with the cutest rat/mice pictures!

Apparently Abandoned in pasadena never lived on the farm back before inside plumbing came to some of us. The corncob (though rough) worked if that was all you had and you wiped with it, not stick it up your butt (major ouch). We used the Sears and Roebuck catalog before we got toilet paper. It wasn't the greatest thing. Thank God for toilet paper. I have the wipes around too (the flushable kind) and Kleenex handy, but I try never ever to run out of tp!

Jim said...

Thanks, Rachel, for sticking up for me.

L said...

it's common for readership to go in cycles.... most readers are also fellow bloggers, and afer a while some people tire of blogging, etc. However, after a while new people start reading also :)

Cliff said...

There were two men from Florida, hunting in Nebraska. One had to 'GO' and didn't have tp. The other said just go into those trees and use a dollar to wipe yourself.
When he came out the other hunter said "eewwww, what's all over you hand, didn't you use a dollar to wipe with?" "Yeah I did, but all I had was 2 dimes, a nickel, and 3 quarters".

Rachel said...

Good one Cliff!!!!