Monday, March 28, 2005


I am sorry that I have not finished getting "Garbage Can Corn" posted tonight. I have retyped it about three times and have been unable to save it as a draft or publish it. I am also having problems with comments, so I figure Blogger is spinning it's wheels again tonight. I have managed to save the first part of it, but I will wait until tomorrow to finish retyping the rest of it again. Sigh.


Ron Southern said...

Between posting trouble and commenting trouble, these Blogger difficulties have become the equivalent of having a roommate who is a known, but unconvicted, rapist. If you "try, try again" these things will usually work, but lately I'd sincerely welcome a sign that says "Stop and come back in x minutes or hours".

p.s. Thanks for the remarks about Lucky.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Blogger has been driving me crazy!!!

Adrienne said...

I had a lot of problems with blogger yesterday too. I'm glad, though, that it isn't me with the problem!

dbdoberman said...

Blogger is a Booger, and that's the truth!