Looking Back at 2006

First I think that I will take a look at how I did with last January's New Year Resolutions....
- Take the higher road. It was a struggle but there were some significant times when I was successful with this one... but there is still room for improvement!
- Limit my blogging absences to shorter periods of time. Hmmm... I think I did about the same as the previous year.
- Go on at least one cruise, two if I can manage it. Took one cruise!
- Make a new financial plan and stick to it. I did pretty good with this one!
- Visit my son in Hartford. Did it!
- Set up storage, but only put into it things that are important to keep... NO junk! (unless, of course, there is some significant sentimental reason for keeping it) Well, storage was set up, but as I watched the movers move some of my furniture into the unit, I realized that I really did not want to keep a lot of that furniture!
- Take nights out with friends once or twice a week. The first part of the year I did twice a week, the second half of the year has been mostly once a week.
- Avoid office gossip. It is difficult to avoid, but I did have some improvement in this area. At least I was able to reduce participation in it if not the hearing end of it. I am learning to politely walk away.
- Visit a new place at least once a quarter. I was successful in two quarters out of four.
- Call my mother at least once a week. She has actually called me so often that it has been difficult to initiate many calls, but I have improved in this area.
- Pray more. Sadly, I am probably in the same mode as the year before.No improvement.
- Improve my level of patience. Some improvement.
- Plan time with my oldest daughter at least once a month. I failed!
- Celebrate with my younger son his accomplishment of receiving a Masters Degree in Engineering. The celebration was not what I had hoped :o(
- Eat more peppermint ice cream. Definitely successful!
- Drink more Mimosas with L. Ahhh... sadly I was horribly inadequate with this one... but 2007 is another year!
- Enjoy more sunsets. Yes
- Enjoy more sunrises. Yes
- Keep my office neater (i.e., keep up with my filing and shredding) Fairly successful.
- Finish my ironing by the end of the year. Still have ironing to do...
For 2007 I will keep nearly all of the above list!
Next... This will be a repeat of what I did last January... I will probably do this each year even if it does not turn out to be very interesting...
Next... This will be a repeat of what I did last January... I will probably do this each year even if it does not turn out to be very interesting...
What was the first line from your blog
the first post of each month
in 2006?
I am stealing this idea from "The Peanut Queen's Lair"
It's Wednesday, I'm home earlier than usual, and I have time to post before I go on my nightly walk with my neighbor, Rosie.
This picture reminds me particularly of Useless Advice From Useless Men.
My best friend once said "Throw flowers with a whole lot of love And a little bit of sadness"
Thought for the day
It has been hot and muggy here... and it isn't as hot as it will be in another month!
Well, L at Random_Speak is finally back to posting, and her current post provides a link to The Advertising Slogan Generator.
Yes, my cable connection is pouting again and therefore I am without internet at home.
I have been a delinquent blogger, but I did tell you I would be taking a break.
It has been an interesting week.
the first post of each month
in 2006?
I am stealing this idea from "The Peanut Queen's Lair"
It's Wednesday, I'm home earlier than usual, and I have time to post before I go on my nightly walk with my neighbor, Rosie.
This picture reminds me particularly of Useless Advice From Useless Men.
My best friend once said "Throw flowers with a whole lot of love And a little bit of sadness"
Thought for the day
It has been hot and muggy here... and it isn't as hot as it will be in another month!
Well, L at Random_Speak is finally back to posting, and her current post provides a link to The Advertising Slogan Generator.
Yes, my cable connection is pouting again and therefore I am without internet at home.
I have been a delinquent blogger, but I did tell you I would be taking a break.
It has been an interesting week.
Yippee! I can hardly wait!
When things were winding down after Thanksgiving and son Jason and I returned to Clearwater, we initially put our suitcases near the front door.
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