Hey there! The week has been flying by! I have been scurrying around a bit since Saturday getting ready for tomorrow's meetings and my upcoming trips. It has been busy.

Surprisingly, I have been waking up (sort-of) early this past week in spite of the fact that I seem to be up late at night each night. The early birds may be singing and raring to go when my eyes first open, but I am still yawning, trying to focus, and in need of a morning cup of tea for awhile after the eyes first open! I just need to get the falling-asleep-at-a-reasonable-hour part down better.

Monday, I decided to make a visit to the chiropractor as my lower back has been a bit off and I didn't want it to let it get any worse. So, I got my adjustment, my chiropractor left on a trip, and my back is worse than it was before the adjustment. Sigh.

Spreadsheets and adding machines have been a huge part of my life this past week...
Tomorrow is the Finance Committee meeting in which I have to present the quarter end (3/31) financial statement for review and signature before it goes to the Diocese. We will also be reviewing the coming fiscal year's budget. At 2:00 PM tomorrow, I meet with the pastor to go over the pay raise decisions. Then I get to spend the rest of the time between then and 4:00 PM putting those changes into the budget and printing budget copies up for the finance committee members. I am thinking that it will be a good idea if the 2:00 meeting goes quickly!

I am very proud and happy to announce that today, my son Matthew defended his thesis for his Masters Degree in Computer Engineering. When I talked to him today he was happy to report that things had gone very well and he only has to make a couple of small changes to the thesis. He is on cloud nine! This weekend we will head to "O Town" (Orlando) to celebrate the successful completion of two Masters degrees... his and one of his roommates. It will be quite a celebration!

I have scheduled a hair trim for Friday... and perhaps a bit of color touch up too. My hair is just the length I like it right now, but it will be too long to manage by the time my trip rolls around if I don't get a trim. You know... it is perfect just before it is awful... one day to the next. I just don't want to be bothered having to spend any extra time fussing with my hair while I could be doing things that are much more fun!

And since I am in that mode, I have also scheduled a manicure and pedicure for next week before I leave. That is something I rarely take the time or spend the money to enjoy...

... But Hey! I plan on leaving all of my life's complications behind me for a few days! The cats will survive without me. Payroll will be done ahead of time at work so that staff will not lynch me when I return.

So far the only hitch seems to be the weather, and it is not a major one. It seems like it will be colder than I had originally thought while I am in Boston and Hartford. Since I had already started packing up my winter things for storage, I have had to dig out some things that I will need to wear. Yup, I have had to change gears. I can do that!

On a high note, I discovered that I will be in Boston on Cinco de Mayo! Son Jason and Sheila will be sharing in the celebration in Boston that night as well, so it should be a grand time! I don't know how they celebrate Cinco de Mayo in Boston, but this tropical girl is ready for some Margaritas and a fun time. I will just have to bring some tropical atmosphere to Beantown with me. That is for sure!

I am especially excited to have a chance to see my son, Jason, in his home in Hartford. This will be the first time that I have been to visit him since he has graduated from college and been living out of state. He has been working on the house he is living in, and I am curious to see what he has done. Maybe now that I will get this first visit in, I will be quicker to get back there for another visit when I have more vacation time.
I am sure that I will do another post or two before I leave. I will also try to take lots of pictures while I am gone to share with you when I return. If anyone has any suggestions for things to see or do in Boston, please leave the info in a comment!