Convenient Birdwatching
I enjoy birds and am rather pleased to have such a close-up view of this rather dumb bird's nest. The nest is in a hanging planter immediately outside of my front door. I have to be careful not to spook mother bird every time I enter or leave the house. I took the picture of the eggs when mother bird got spooked when I was startled by almost stepping on an over 2 foot black snake slithering over my front door mat. I was not wearing shoes so it was not something I wanted to touch my bare foot!

good pic though :)
My mother has the same division of loyalties, but usually the plant wins!
I love mourning doves!! I hope the eggs hatch out okay.
So glad you didn't step on that snake!!
Graet pictures - I hate snakes. That might be why I don't live down there.
Mourning doves are interesting birds and while they are a bit on the dumb side (they nest on the ground or in low hanging mesquite trees in Texas) they can be quite tasty after being wrapped with bacon, jalepeno, and onion and cooked on the barby... good pic!
I'd rather eat the snake. The only bird I eat is chicken, another dumb bird.
Your bird is a pretty biird. I clicked on her picture.
That is nice you got the picture. Snakes go after bird eggs, you don't want it dropping down into the basket (do you?).
That's NOT a dumb bird... I think it is a "Mourning Dove!" Of course she could be mourning because she's so dumb she can't find a tree for a nest? ~ jb///
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