A Quick Look At The Cruise...

Caribbean Princes

St. Martin/St. Maartin

Promenade decks

View from our balcony...
at one point I saw some flying fish and several huge Dolphin fish (Mahi Mahi)

Mom's favorite pastime and spot!

Tim showing his umbilical cord attached to the machine.
This was Tim's favorite pastime.

Views and sunsets were always gorgeous from our balcony!

Atlantis Submarine, St. Thomas
This submarine holds 48 passengers comfortably.
I would go on this excursion again and again!
We saw sharks, Barracuda, sting rays,
2 types of sea turtles,
all kinds of brightly colored fish,
coral, sea sponges,
and even an eel!
It was terrific!

The food was all very yummy!

Teresa and Cathy watching the food coming.

Jerry, Lori, and Fr. Pat

Olson serving our soup at dinner

Sawad bringing mom another bottle of wine

Fr. Pat, me, my mom

Giovanni stopping by to say hello

Baked Alaska

Happy cruisers

Some of us got a little risque...
Jeanni's boss was happy to find out it would wear/wash off in seven days!

Waiting for Godot... aka Cruise Connection Bus

Hours later... still waiting for Godot...
(note to self: next time fly or leave from another port close by)

A little lighter than before the trip

More to come when I catch up on things...
The pictures were great. Is it true that cruise ships never really leave the dock and just change the sets on shore to make you feel like you are some where new..
Ha, Happy and Blue2!
Thanks, Rhodent, for sharing the great photos.
Glad you are back safely. Missed your posts.
Looks like you had a blast! JPR and I just booked a cruise out of Lauderdale for January.
Looks like fun. Can't wait to go on one of those cruises one of these days...
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