Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mediation Meditation

Well, it looks like the mediation for my divorce is set for the third week of August. I am not entirely sure how the entire process will go, but I do have a general idea about the give and take process involved.

Mediation as a rule
Can be a very useful tool
To solve the conflict between two
Who need to start their lives anew

The mediator does the dance
As each contender takes a chance
Give a little, get something back
Each one tries to fill their sack

Back and forth the verbiage goes
While each contender tells their woes
Somehow before the session 's done
No one is sure who 's really won

I am hopeful that we can resolve most of our issues during one session... the main thing we are in disagreement about is the alimony. There are some other issues, but those I think can be easily resolved. The alimony will be the sticky wicket. Time will tell. Some of you may have been through this before... any suggestions?

Saturday, July 29, 2006


...Appologies for being such a delinquent blogger! I will try to do better!

Friday, July 28, 2006


Took today off from work to try to get some cleaning and packing done. I guess when you have lived in one place for thirty years, it takes a bit to get things sorted for a move. Right now it seems like the neverending move preparation! There is sooo much to sort through!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Jimmy Buffett Sure Is Looking Mighty Old...

... and where does that leave me? What do I do with the knowledge that the symbol of youthful fun in the Florida Keys is looking like he has been President of the USA for the past few years? Maybe it has been too many hurricane seasons?

Summertime and Jimmy Buffett just seem to go together. His singing is not opera... his stuff is just downright fun and not to be taken too seriously. The raunchier stuff I just skip over. He has enough good songs to keep me singing along as I drive around town dreaming of another trip to the keys. Some of my favorites are:
Cheeseburger In Paradise
Pencil Thin Mustache
Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season
Come Monday
Son of a Sailor

How can you go wrong with lyrics like "Half baked cookies in the oven, half baked people on the bus. There's a little bit of fruitcake in everyone of us" OR "I wish I had a pencil thin mustache, the 'Boston Blackie' kind, or a two-toned Ricky Ricardo jacket, and an autographed picture of Andy Devine." They are sing-a-long songs meant for fun.

Why does fun have to start looking old?!?


And now...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Global warming, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, volcanic landslides, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, floods, draught, asteroids, pandemics, Oh No! What a dilemma. Is there any place safe?

Yes, I have been watching educational TV again. The Discovery Channel, Science Channel, Weather Channel, and even the History Channel have lately been filled with worse-case scenarios of all sorts of possible disasters and their aftermaths. Tonight it was the History Channel and its programs about mega-tsunamis and their causes lurking around the world waiting for the right moment to wipe out one coastal region or another of the United States. The previous few days offered such topics as global warming and the melting of the polar caps raising seawater to a level where coastal areas and, of course, the entire state of Florida would disappear underwater. AND, it goes without saying that during hurricane season we have also had our usual programs regarding the probable impact of the inevitable major hurricanes hitting vulnerable areas of Florida like where I live in the Tampa Bay area.

I had already decided that when I retire, unlike half of the population of the good old USA, I am not going to retire in Florida. Recent hurricane seasons have convinced me to consider looking elsewhere. Also, recent home hunting and housing prices in my area have also convinced me that it would be wise to retire in an area with more reasonalbe housing prices.

So now I am wondering... where will I go? I wish to avoid winter blizzards as I have no idea how to deal with living in a real winter and snow. Tornado alley is out of the question... I think I fear tornados more than hurricanes. I don't do earthquakes or wildfires. Volcanos are out of the question. I love the mountains... for a great vacation. I hope to live where I can feel fairly confident that water will still come out of the tap, and where I can venture outside without feeling like a charred frankfurter on a barbecue grill.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mmm Mmm Good!

I took my youngest daughter to lunch yesterday at a little place close to work. It has very few tables, but the food is wonderful! I tried out one of their specials they had listed for the day and discovered a new taste delight!

It is a salad that is a combination of two of my favorite salads. Now, I have to admit that I love to savor the flavor of yummy food probably a bit too much, but this salad is worth the calories AND could be adjusted to make it lower in calories. Personally, if I am going to go through the trouble of making a special salad, I am not going to worry about the calories. I can always skip the meat at the next meal!

A friend of mine at work said that she thought she had seen this salad done on the food channel. She thought it sounded like it would be a good recipe to try. So for those of you who like to try out recipes, here are the basics...

Start with a basic coleslaw recipe. Add finely chopped apples and raisins. That's it! I am telling you that it was out of this world! I think that when I make it I will try adding walnuts like you have in a Waldorf salad. I haven't decided about the celery. I think the crunchiness of the cabbage is enough.

As I was savoring the flavor of this salad I was thinking of what else I could possibly add to coleslaw that would be tasty. Strawberries? Maybe not blueberries. Nectarines? Pineapple? I think I may have to spend some time trying out some of these ideas.

So how about some of you? Any ideas for some great ( and easy) summer salads?

Friday, July 07, 2006

Some Things Should Just Never Be Seen

It never ceases to amaze me about the things that one can see on the internet. I will go to look for some pictures related to some word or phrase and find the most unexpected results. I was looking for something related to pink... which anyone who knows me very well, knows is my favorite color and always has been... Not that pink is appropriate for everything... There are many things that pink fits just fine...

pink flamingos, for instance... goofy looking birds, but the color suits them...

pink flowers... this is my favorite camellia called Pink Perfection...

cute pink tops for jeans on cute girls...

pink lemonade... the best kind!

pink is a good color for Easter eggs...

pink has been used in famous artwork...

pink gemstones like this pink star sapphire, or pink topaz, or pink jade...

pink stuffed animals for children or sometimes childish adults (I do have this one, by the way)...

pink birthday cakes for little girls are acceptable...

and, of course, we do have pink tongues...

there are also some funny novelty items that one could argue are appropriate in pink...

pink hearts on Valentines Day...

and for those who wear hats, a pink hat could be seen as fashionable...

pink cocktails or drinks could be okay...
as long as they don't look like Pepto Bismal like this one...

in the right setting, I could even argue for pink chairs...
perhaps as accent pieces...

pink telephones I can do without, but some girly-girl teenager might like one...

Even a VW Bug might be tolerable, although barely...

However, there are some things that should never, and I mean never, be even remotely related to the color pink...

Good grief !

Monday, July 03, 2006

"It's Rhodent Time..."

Well, L at Random_Speak is finally back to posting, and her current post provides a link to The Advertising Slogan Generator. I found this to be waaay too much fun. So here are some of the slogans (minus the ones that were a bit too risque) that came up for this blog and amused me the most...

Don't Leave Home Without Rhodent.

Get The Rhodent Habit.

My Doctor Says"Rhodent"

Please Don't Squeeze The Rhodent.

Look, Ma, No Rhodent!

Run For The Rhodent.

We'll Leave The Rhodent On For You.

Give That Man A Rhodent.

Wait Till We Get Our Rhodent On You!

Got Rhodent?

Rhodent Comes To Those Who Wait.

You Can Do It When You Rhodent It.

Rhodent Stays Sharp 'Til The Bottom Of The Glass

When You've Got Rhodent, Flaunt It!

No Rhodent, No Comment.

Nothing Acts Faster Than Rhodent.

Obey Your Rhodent.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Rhodent.

If You Want To Get Ahead, Get A Rhodent.

Thank Rhodent It's Friday.

I Am Stuck On Rhodent 'Cause Rhodent's Stuck On Me.

Can You Tell Rhodent From Butter?

It's That Rhodent Feeling.

I'm Cuckoo For Rhodent.

Rhodent. It's What For Dinner.

Show Me The Rhodent.

More Than Just A Rhodent.

The Rhodent That Eats Like A Meal.

Rhodent Takes Me Away.

Mama Mia, That'sa One Spicy Rhodent!

Get Serious. Get Rhodent.

Does She Or Doesn't She? Only Her Rhodent Knows For Sure.

All Rhodent, All The Time.

When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Rhodent Overnight.

Give The Dog A Rhodent.
(Okay, that one was for you, Cliff!)

Got A Rhodent? You're In Luck!

Double The Pleasure, Double The Rhodent.

Takes A Rhodent, But It Keeps On Tickin'.

We Bring The Good Rhodent To Life.

You'll Look A Little Lovelier Each Day With Fabulous Pink Rhodent.

Moms Like You Choose Rhodent.

Feel The Rhodent.

If You Really Want To Know, Look In The Rhodent.

Solutions For A Small Rhodent.

Sharing The Rhodent of Your Life.

Melts In Your Rhodent, Not In Your Hands!

Do You Eat The Rhodent Last?

A Rhodent Is Forever.

It occurs to me that this slogan generator could really come in handy! Just think how much fun our November elections would be if candidates could only use slogans generated by that link? I might even pay attention to some of the commercials! Also, I am tempted to try using the above slogans as titles and inspirations for future posts. That could be fun! As I was typing out the slogans, I tried to imagine which of my blogging buddies would use which slogan... case in point... the one I indicated was for Cliff Morrow.

So, what do you think? Which slogan would you choose and why? This could be interesting!

Since tomorrow is the 4th of July, I will be enjoying the company of at least one of my offspring and some of her friends and not posting. I will take some time to read your posts, however! I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday! Or, if you are Canadian, that you HAD a wonderful holiday. If you are from someplace else, have a great day no matter what day it is! And... if there are fireworks in your vicinity, be careful and stay safe!