. I found this to be
too much fun. So here are some of the slogans (minus the ones that were a bit too risque) that came up for this blog and amused me the most...
Don't Leave Home Without Rhodent.
Get The Rhodent Habit.
My Doctor Says"Rhodent"
Please Don't Squeeze The Rhodent.
Look, Ma, No Rhodent!
Run For The Rhodent.
We'll Leave The Rhodent On For You.
Give That Man A Rhodent.
Wait Till We Get Our Rhodent On You!
Got Rhodent?
Rhodent Comes To Those Who Wait.
You Can Do It When You Rhodent It.
Rhodent Stays Sharp 'Til The Bottom Of The Glass
When You've Got Rhodent, Flaunt It!
No Rhodent, No Comment.
Nothing Acts Faster Than Rhodent.
Obey Your Rhodent.
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Rhodent.
If You Want To Get Ahead, Get A Rhodent.
Thank Rhodent It's Friday.
I Am Stuck On Rhodent 'Cause Rhodent's Stuck On Me.
Can You Tell Rhodent From Butter?
It's That Rhodent Feeling.
I'm Cuckoo For Rhodent.
Rhodent. It's What For Dinner.
Show Me The Rhodent.
More Than Just A Rhodent.
The Rhodent That Eats Like A Meal.
Rhodent Takes Me Away.
Mama Mia, That'sa One Spicy Rhodent!
Get Serious. Get Rhodent.
Does She Or Doesn't She? Only Her Rhodent Knows For Sure.
All Rhodent, All The Time.
When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Rhodent Overnight.
Give The Dog A Rhodent.
Okay, that one was for you, Cliff!)
Got A Rhodent? You're In Luck!
Double The Pleasure, Double The Rhodent.
Takes A Rhodent, But It Keeps On Tickin'.
We Bring The Good Rhodent To Life.
You'll Look A Little Lovelier Each Day With Fabulous Pink Rhodent.
Moms Like You Choose Rhodent.
Feel The Rhodent.
If You Really Want To Know, Look In The Rhodent.
Solutions For A Small Rhodent.
Sharing The Rhodent of Your Life.
Melts In Your Rhodent, Not In Your Hands!
Do You Eat The Rhodent Last?
A Rhodent Is Forever.
It occurs to me that this slogan generator could really come in handy! Just think how much fun our November elections would be if candidates could only use slogans generated by that link? I might even pay attention to some of the commercials! Also, I am tempted to try using the above slogans as titles and inspirations for future posts. That could be fun! As I was typing out the slogans, I tried to imagine which of my blogging buddies would use which slogan... case in point... the one I indicated was for Cliff Morrow.
So, what do you think? Which slogan would you choose and why? This could be interesting!

Since tomorrow is the 4th of July, I will be enjoying the company of at least one of my offspring and some of her friends and not posting. I will take some time to read your posts, however! I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday! Or, if you are Canadian, that you HAD a wonderful holiday. If you are from someplace else, have a great day no matter what day it is! And... if there are fireworks in your vicinity, be careful and stay safe!