My trip to the hand specialist mainly changed one thing... my right arm is now in a cast instead of a brace. I have also been threatened with surgery on my wrist if the cast does not work. I return to the specialist on February 26th and right now it does not bode well for me. My boss does not seem to understand that when the doctor's limited activity list stating that, among activities such as lifting, pulling and pushing over 2 pounds, also includes "grasping," that it might just include writing... right wrist... I am right handed... hmmm.
I limit my time on the computer as well because too much typing aggravates my wrist. Handwriting takes less than 5 minutes before I start getting pains shooting up my arm. I have requested a helper to do the writing required on invoices to note account codes, date, check number, etc., but so far I have not gotten any cooperation. It seems to me that it makes more sense to help me avoid surgery, because if I have to have surgery I will be totally out of commission for awhile and won't even be able to type on the computer. I would only need someone for 1 to 1 1/2 hours 3 days a week max. Go figure.
I guess I am just whining.