It has been a tough couple of days for me, but I am finally beginning to feel back to normal! Yesterday morning,
very early, I started a "prep" for a colonoscopy. A different prep than I have done before. The doctor keeps trying different preps to see if we can find one that doesn't keep me vomiting half the night before the procedure. He is going to have to look again!
Yesterday morning I had to take a couple of laxative tablets and then go to work as normal. There was nothing normal about work after 11:30 yesterday morning. Last night at 6:00 I started drinking the yucky stuff mixed in Gatorade... 8 ounces every 15 minutes. It should take about an hour, but it took me 1 1/2 hours. Then I was supposed to drink another 32 ounces of gatorade, 8 ounces every 15 minutes over the next hour. It took over 1 1/2 hours. I never got the last 4 ounces down before I started vomiting. I vomited off and on for the next two hours, and then again around midnight. And then, just for good measure, at 1:00 am I had another visit to the porcelain god.

Seeing as how the prep was supposed to cause things to evacuate my body from the other end, that took place as well. It becomes very futile to try to predetermine whether to sit or stand when things keep happening at the same time. You'd think with all of our ability to do fabulously wondrous scientific things, that someone, somewhere, would figure out a better plan. It's not like this was my first time around. If I remember correctly, this was my 7th colonoscopy. It's no better now that the first time.
I am grateful, however, that after the first test, every test has shown me to be free from the nasty cancerous polyps they found the first time around. But still, I think I would rather go through labor and have a baby at the end to make it worth the effort. With this all I get at the end is a report that I am still A-OK and a lot of bathroom cleaning. I guess things could be worse, and I shouldn't complain as long as a get a good report... I take that back. I
should complain. Maybe then they will invent a better procedure!
Okay. If you haven't quit reading this post due to the subject, I will tell you that I did get a great nap out of it all and only lost one day's wages. Tonight, as I feel more with it, I will wrap some more Christmas and Hanukkah presents and try to have a yummy supper. Then I will light a fire in the fireplace (fake log... it isn't that cold!), turn on the light on the Christmas tree, sip some hot beverage, listen to Christmas music and maybe watch some TV. Tomorrow it is back to work.